The ADC has four theatres intended to support the ADC academic program.
Each theatre is designed to be user friendly and intuitive.
If required, they are able to be operated without technical assistance.
Each theatre has recording capabilities. Unless otherwise requested, all sessions are recorded, and can be made available by emailing
The academic program is booked well in advance, and will take priority over other requests.
Please contact the ACC for any bookings, ensuring to CC the AV.Support inbox. Requests should be made well in advance.
AV Support
AV Support should be booked via email or webform at least three (3) business days prior to the event, to ensure availability.
Please note, support is limited to resources in the case of academic program conflicts.
Two-Way Comms
The AV Team is able to help supply two way comms capability, but must be requested well in advance.
Please contact the AV Support inbox with requirements.
Multiple technologies are available, and will be selected based on the requirements provided.
Compatibility Testing
The AV Team is able to provide support and testing to confirm that media and equipment provided by presenters performs using the AV equipment in the theatres and syndicate rooms.
Note: Support requests made with less than three (3) business days notice may result in the AV team being unable to support the activity.
Theatre Schedule
The below calenders will populate based on your gsuite login.
If you see "busy" with no details, ensure that you are logged into your gmail account.